Monday, March 9, 2009

We trust that God's timing is PERFECT

Praying Friends,
We had planned to write you this evening with our final thoughts before our trip- funny stories about packing, last minute prayer concerns...
We NEVER dreamed that we would tell you tonight that we will not be getting on a plane tomorrow, but we KNOW beyond any doubt that God is sovereign and His timing is impeccable. He is not surprised.
Jess has been dealing with some health issues (of a personal, sensitive nature) over the past 6 weeks or so. We knew that the situation could present a problem during our trip, but we were trusting God to take care of everything. During a last-minute trip to Target this afternoon, Jess suddenly became ill. Still trusting that God was in control, we headed to the emergency room at Baptist Hospital.
After several hours in the ER, she seemed to be feeling better and we began making adjustments to our to-do list, still planning to leave in the morning. However, when the doctor came in to discharge us (or so we thought), he advised us that the situation was more complicated than he originally thought and he recommended that we not leave the country at this time. We obviously were surprised, but have willingly obeyed his orders and cancelled our flight reservations.
Please don't be alarmed! While the situation is serious, we have complete faith in the Great Physician and the doctors He has provided, and we know this is the best decision for us. After we consult with Jess' regular doctor later this week, we will begin to look at rescheduling the trip.
We are grateful for God's perfect timing; this same scenario 24-hours later, after we were already on our way, would have been much more difficult to handle. We believe that this is not a coincidence, and it was not the Lord's will for us to go- just yet. We know that He is leading us, and we will anxiously continue to wait for Him to reveal His timetable for the Roma Small Business Initiative.
Thank you so much for your prayers for us, for Jess' health, and for the Roma. We will keep you posted as our new plans unfold.


  1. We're praying for you guys in ALL the situations! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

  2. Hey Jess, I hope you are okay! Definitely keeping you in our prayers!

  3. Hi there- you won a book on my blog. Email me your address so I can have the publisher send it to you. Congrats! - Jessica Turner
